Every year ssc exam is conducted in order to recruit the large number of qualified job seekers to fill up vacant seats under different departments that come under the government of india. Assistant audit officer is the only gazette officer post through ssc cgl. Total questions asked are 100, comprising of 200 marks. For the post of tax assistant central excise and income tax,dest exam through ssc cgl 2020 exam is conducted to check the typing speed of the candidate.
Important books and author for ssc cgl 201617 list of hssc coaching institute in hisar accent coaching institute in hisar provides best hssc coaching institute in hisar contact. Candidates must carefully go through the syllabus and then start the ssc cgl preparation as per it. Tier i of the combined graduate level examination will be common for all categories of posts. To save your time, we have prepared a list of best books available for the preparation of ssc cgl tier 1 reasoning section general awareness questions in this sections are basically asked to check your knowledge of current events and every day observations. The content is closely a blueprint of your prelims exams.
Ssc cgl paper 4 aao assistant audit officer study material. The ssc cgl 2019 is not too difficult to crack but needs a lot of practice and structured preparation. Ssc cgl is very popular and important exam for graduates in india, as staff selection commission ssc is one of the most prestigious career options today. His story symbolizes a lifestyle struggle against apartheid in south africa. Best books fof ssc cgl ssccombinedgraduatelevelexamination400x400imadgcfztzgh4svn. Hello friends, today wer sharing most sought after study material for ssc cgl 2017 aspirants. The only way you can make use of this post is when you read it thoroughly. Jul 18, 2016 assistant audit officer cag aao by arun arora sir paramount renowned faculty gazetted 4800 gp post first time in ssc cgl history paper iv in mains complete syllabus of aao economics. Ssc cgl is one of the prestigious government job examination in india. Books or free material for preparing for aao ssc cgl post. Ssc cgl aao study material 2018 download pdf techmario. Here we are sharing ssc cgl 2018 study material, notes,previous years papers, e books and mock tests, study plan and other.
A number of candidates must have multiple doubts and queries regarding the key responsibilities of an assistant audit officer. All the candidates who are will be selected as jr accountant in dept of telecom dept of post. Aao in cag has become much coveted post in just one year because it offers the highest pay among all the posts and is the only gazetted post offered through ssc cgl exam. Checkout ssc cgl tier i and tier ii examination by upkar prakashan. Here are some handwritten notes for ssc cgl 2017 shared by our own sonali dixit. Candidates are required to type 2000 words in 15 minutes on a computer in english.
Ssc cgl aao online coaching classes 2020 aao video study. Books, practice paper, work books for ssc cgl 20182019 buy books, practice paper, work books for ssc cgl 201819 online according to ssc cgl exam pattern. Aao in cag through ssc cgl exam is one of the most sought after posts advertised from 2016 onward. Ssc cgl aao syllabus 2019 all the candidates who opted for aao posts in application form need to appear for assistant audit officerassistant accounts officer paper. All the candidates planning to appear for ssc cgl 2018 must checkout this study material. The main motto behind this blog or page is to create an online self preparation aspirants where candidates can get all the required study materials. Quantitative aptitude the section consists of questions on ratio and proportion, profit and loss, time, distance and work, average, alligation, elementary mensuration, algebra, trigonometry,etc.
Ssc cgl aaoassistant audit officer study materials ssc. See all formats and editions hide other formats and editions. Ssc cgl aao study material download pdf 2018 if you are prepararing for ssc cgl exam and your post preference is assistant audit officer or assistant account officer then you need to look at the study material and aao syllabus. The commission also conducted reexamination for 4825 candidates on 19. Ssc cgl tier 1 conducts combined graduate level exam for the recruitment of nontechnical and nongazette posts in various departments of government of india. What digital items do customers buy after viewing this item. Monopolistic competition and oligopoly ad price determination in these markets. Ssc cgl aao study material download pdf 2018 if you are prepararing for ssc cgl exam and your post preference is assistant audit officer or assistant account officer then you need to look at the study material and aao syllabus all the candidates planning to. Best ssc cgl tier 1 book s vital in the preparation of anyone exam. Most of the vacancies are vacant which means that u have very good chance to become aao 4800 grade pay in just 34 years subject to conducting of sas exam.
Staff selection commission ssc holds combined graduate level examination cgl for recruitment to different posts in group b and group c. There are lot of books floating around for preparation of this exam conducted by ssc through common written exam cwe. This article also includes a section wise coverage of the books including maths quantitative aptitude, reasoning, english, and general awareness. The aspirants are advised to first clear the basic concepts and then move to the advanced level of a particular topic. Important books and author for ssc cgl 201617 accent. The staff selection commission has conducted the combined graduate level examination tieri, 2018 from 04. You can also check all other ssc cgl 2017 question paper. Ssc cgl 2018 pdf books,notes,material,salary,mock tests,posts,notification date hello friends welcome to. Aao in cag through ssc cgl exam is one of the most sought after posts. How to prepare for ssc cgl tier 1 competition digest.
The post of aao is one of the most preferred ssc cgl post for most aspirants. Assistant audit officer cag aao by arun arora sir paramount renowned faculty gazetted 4800 gp post first time in ssc cgl history paper iv in mains complete syllabus of aao economics. Ssc cgl aao online coaching classes 2020 aao video study course. Ssc mathematics typewise questions 1999 to 2016 7300. With the help of the syllabus, candidates can know the important topics from which questions can be asked. Best books fof ssc cgl ssc combinedgraduatelevelexamination400x400imadgcfztzgh4svn. What is the selection process for an aao post in ssc cgl. We are sharing with you list of best book for ssc exams. The book is complied by a raja sir air 24 cgl 11 with comprehensible solutions and answers. So, after researching the market i have to built a list of all time best book for ssc cgl 2017 which topper prefer to read. The questions will also be asked from science, current affairs, books and authors, sports, important schemes, important days, portfolios,people in news etc.
We have attached the current status of vacancies for aao ao post in ur cadre. No matter where you prepare from a coaching or any textbook guide this book provides you the right. Books or study material recommended for ssc cgl 2014 exam overview. Tieriv examination comprises of couple of skill sets required for certain government posts all over the country. Hard work and dedication are key factors in ssc cgl. Oct 08, 2015 all the candidates who are will be selected as jr accountant in dept of telecom dept of post. Best ssc cgl tier 1 books vital in the preparation of anyone exam. Paperiii is only for those candidates who apply for the post of statistical investigator gr.
Aug 29, 2019 ssc cgl is very popular and important exam for graduates in india, as staff selection commission ssc is one of the most prestigious career options today. Every year ssc exam is conducted in order to recruit the large number of qualified job seekers to fill up vacant seats under different departments that. Ssc cgl 2016 tier 4 aao post gazetted post 18 sep, 19 58 356. Download ssc cgl assistant audit officer aao accounts. Sep 08, 2019 aao in cag has become much coveted post in just one year because it offers the highest pay among all the posts and is the only gazetted post offered through ssc cgl exam.
Ssc cgl aao book paperback 1 january 2016 by arun arora author 2. Apr 10, 2019 ssc cgl aao syllabus 2019 all the candidates who opted for aao posts in application form need to appear for assistant audit officerassistant accounts officer paper. Here we are sharing ssc cgl 2018 study material, notes,previous years papers, e books and mock tests, study plan and other important material and information. Ssc cgl assistant audit officer aao syllabus paper 4 the syllabus of this paper can be divided into two main sections, finance and accounting, economics and governance.
Ssc cgl paper 4 aaoassistant audit officer tier ii aao. Best books for ssc cgl exam tier 1 and 2 preparation. Study material and discussion forum for paperiv assistant audit officer ssc cgl 2016. Various forms of marketsperfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition. Post answers on the examcompetition forum earn points convert points into cash. Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order. It means you need to attempt on more paper general studies finance and. The book is an asset for practicing for ssc cgl prelims. Best books for ssccgl exam 2018 guys are you preparing for ssccgl exam. Buy ssc cgl aao book book online at low prices in india. Ssc cgl 2019 tier 1 notification exam date, syllabus and preparation 4 minutes ago 75252 62757 ssc cgl 201920 tier 1 syllabus, exam pattern and preparation tips. If you are among those applicants who are looking for best study books for ssc recruitment, then the article is a right place for your search. Ssc cgl aaoassistant audit officer study materials, ssc, ssc cgl aaoassistant audit officer study materials.
For more information regarding ssc cgl exam, candidates can visit the linked article ssc cgl post wise salary. Only hundreds out of lakhs are able to come on the successful candidates list. Ssc cgl aao syllabus tier 2 paper 2019 assistant audit. Books of original entry concept and numerical questions. Hello students, if you are preparing for ssc cgl exam and your post preference is assistant audit officer or assistant account officer then you need to look at the study material and aao, then can download ssc cgl aao book download ssc cgl aao arun arora pdf. Competition digest books for ibps, sbi, ssc, ndacds and. Assistant audit officer cag aao by arun arora sir paramount renowned faculty gazetted 4800 gp post first time in ssc cgl. The staff selection commission ssc recruits candidates into various government departments and ministries through the ssc cgl exam and thereby, the employees are liable for a decent salary as per the 7th pay commission. Candidates looking to get this post have to appear in the aao exam in the tier 2. Staff selection commission conducts combined graduate level cgl 2014 exam for the recruitment of nontechnical and nongazette posts in various departments of government of india. Ssc cgl assistant audit officer aao syllabus paper 4. The candidates are given an article in english which they have to type. Buy ssc cgl aao book book online at low prices in india ssc. How to prepare for ssc cgl 2019 books and study material.
Recent questions tagged ssccgl career and education forum. Ssc cgl 2016 assistant audit officercag preparation forum. The questions on all the important concepts which are required to crack this exam have been covered in the book. The one and only motive to enter the ssc combined graduate level recruitment process because the staff selection commission ssc offers you an astonishing career in many government organizations by conducting the ssc cgl every year at the time of filling up the ssc cgl online application form, you are asked to fill the ssc cgl post preferences. Team qmaths presents this on demand ebook which comprises of 500 most important questions with answers and detailed explanations for upcoming ssc cgl tier2 paper 4 i. Ssc cgl preparation 2020 know how to prepare aglasem. Graduate level examination which includes the post of assistant audit officeraao in indian. Nelson mandela was born on july 18th, 1918 in the village of mvezo in umtata, then a part of south africas cape province. As the name suggests the book contains complete info about the ssc cgl tier i and tier ii examination. Best price ssc cgl 201819books, practice paper, work books. Revisiting ssc cgl tier 2 assistant audit officer aao syllabus. Here we are providing you the study material and previous year papers of ssc cgl tier 2 paper 4 statistics. Jul 28, 2017 5 top posts of ssc cgl salary, pay scale, career by navneet goyal aao duration. Ssc cgl preparation 2020 candidates who are taking part in the staff selection commission ssc combined graduate level cgl exam 2020 must know how to prepare for the examination.
Best books for ssc cgl exam preparation 2018 ssc cgl. It is the time that students should be aware of basic concepts of english grammar and its structure. I often found students asking a question like which is the best book for ssc cgl 2017 examinations. Here is the ssc cgl syllabus for tieri subjectwise. Ssc cgl post preferences 2019, salary, job profile, promotion.
Aug 19, 2018 english books for ssc cgl exam preparation for most of us, the medium of education has been english for quite some 1012 years. Hence, it is extremely important to know about the job description of an assistant audit officer aao. For ca students, your course books of accounts and economics from your cpt. The ssc cgl 2019 is not too difficult to crack but needs a lot of practice and. Best ssc cgl tier 1 exam books 2016 surabooks pvt ltd. Price new from paperback, 1 january 2016 please retry. Ssc combined graduate level computer proficiency test cpt. Monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly ad price determination in these markets. Revisiting ssc cgl tier 2 assistant audit officer aao. Ssc cgl preparation 2020 know how to prepare aglasem career. Dont forget to read our detailed post on how to prepare for ssc cgl general awareness.
Recent questions tagged ssccgl career and education. Hello guys, today we are here with a collection of books offered by paramount coaching institute. Books for ssc cgl by kiran prakashan, spark publication patna, speedy ssc cgl books, lucents publication, kd publication, mothers education hub meh and all others are available. As the exam tier 2 is on the verge, go through this pdf and start preparing for your upcoming aao exam. The examination will comprise of two tiers of written objective type examination followed by computer proficiency testinterviewskill test, wherever applicable as per the scheme of examination and a descriptiveonline test of qualifying nature for. Ssc cgl exam 2019 notification out, application form. Updated on 28 december 2019 i have spent a lot of time to research the best books for ssc cgl exam preparation and write this very long post and i am really thankful to the great response. An all in one book to practice for you prelims of ssccgl hit bullseye. Buy ssc cgl aao book book online at best prices in india on. Ssc cgl tier i and tier ii examination by upkar prakashan.
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